The Architects Practice Act Explained
The California Architects Practice Act (ACT) is a state statute that describes all of the rules and regulations relating to the expected conduct of licensed architects in the state of California. All California architects are subject to the authority of the California Architects Board. The California Architects Board establishes regulations for both the examination and licensing of individuals in the profession of architecture.
If an individual violates any of the regulations within the ACT or other law, then that individual is subject to license discipline. The conviction of certain specific crimes can result in the Board suspending, revoking, or declining to issue an architect license. Not all convictions are viewed and/or treated in the same way. A recent felony conviction, for instance, is viewed much differently than a misdemeanor conviction from 10 years ago. Even that misdemeanor conviction can cause you problems depending on the circumstances of the offense.
If you have questions about how a criminal record can affect your architect license, it is vital to speak to an experienced California architect license defense attorney who can best assist you.
The Importance Of Good Character
The California Architects Board is sometimes tasked with having to make a determination on an individual’s character based on a mistake made by the individual, which led to a criminal conviction. In making this assessment, the Board will look into the nature of the criminal offense to determine if it is either substantially related to architecture or it is an offense that shows lousy character.
Crimes involving violence, sexual assault, or fraud are some common examples of offenses that the California Architect Board can deem indicative of a lack of good character. It is often difficult to defend allegations against your character on your own. Having the assistance of an attorney who has experience dealing with the Board can be very beneficial towards helping to defend your good character, and in turn, your architect license. You may face an uphill battle with the Board depending on the seriousness of your criminal conviction(s).
It is also important to note that while a specific crime may not be all that serious on its face, any connection to the practice of architecture can result in significant license penalties from the Board. If you are facing questions from the California Architects Board about your character or your past criminal conviction, call us today at SJ Harris Law Office so we can help.
Sj Harris Law Free Consultation
The S.J. Harris Law Office offers a FREE 30-minute consultation to all architects in need of legal advice. Our consultations are always confidential and are protected by the attorney-client privilege. Your ability to make a living as an architect depends on your ability to maintain your architect license. We put our focus into preserving three things: your license, your reputation, and your future. Call us at (310) 361-8585 or contact us online for a free consultation.