What Should I Report to the Medical Board of California?

Physicians licensed in the state of California are under a lot of legal pressure to notify the medical board about certain circumstances involving their patients and their practices. Although the board’s reporting requirements are relatively straightforward, an occasional refresher on what you need to report can ensure that you don’t make a small mistake and put your license in jeopardy.

Below you’ll find out what you need to report so you can keep your license in good standing.

Malpractice Settlements

The first reporting scenario all physicians should be aware of is a malpractice settlement. You are required to report any malpractice settlement in excess of $30,000. In addition, if you are licensed but don’t have professional liability insurance, you must report any judgment or arbitration awards against you, regardless of the amount. This is one of many reasons that it’s essential to keep your insurance up to date!

Felonies, Convictions, and Other Criminal Offenses

If you are a licensed physician who has been charged with a felony or been indicted, you must also report this to the medical board. If you are convicted, handed guilty verdict, or you plea guilty or no contest to a felony or misdemeanor, you must always report these to the board.

Patient Death

Another scenario you must report to the board is if a patient dies as the result of a medical procedure that you have, as a licensed physician, administered in a location that is not an acute care hospital. In addition, if the death was caused by a procedure administered by anyone under your supervision, you’ll need to file a report and submit it to the board. In both of these scenarios, you have 15 days after the death occurs to submit a Patient Death Reporting Form.

Change of Address

One of the simplest activities that must be reported to the Medical Board of California is a change of address. If you change the location of your practice, you must notify the board within 30 days. Don’t put your license at risk by overlooking this easy requirement!

By adhering to these requirements and reporting any incidents to the board as quickly as possible, you will show that you take your license seriously.

If you experience legal issues with reporting, it is crucial to seek the assistance of a medical license defense attorney. For help from a lawyer who is experienced in these matters, contact California license defense attorney Scott Harris. Click to schedule a free, 30-minute consultation or call us at 323-794-0701 or at 877-865-6218.

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When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long track record of success in these types of cases. Scott Harris and the rest of our team at S J Harris Law will be ready to help you pursue any option available that allows you to keep your license and continue working, no matter what industry you are in.


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