What Can Nurses Do While There is an Ongoing Investigation?

Reasons Why A Nurse May Be Investigated

When a state licensing board issues an individual or business a professional license to operate, the license typically comes with a list of requirements relating to professional standards and conduct. To become a nurse in California, you must be licensed by the State Board of Nursing. If the State Board of Nursing issues you a nursing license, you are subject to professional license discipline for actions both on and off the job. 

If you are accused of committing some sort of professional misconduct dealing with a patient or your workplace, then you may be subject to license sanctions, including suspension and revocation of your license. If you are accused of unrelated criminal conduct, such as a DUI, then you also face the potential of severe license sanctions as well even though a DUI has nothing to do with your conduct on the job.

If you are facing an investigation related to your nursing license, then it is important to speak to an experienced nursing license defense attorney as soon as possible.

Common Misconceptions About Nursing Investigations

When people are faced with dealing with an authority figure, such as the police, they often think that being open and honest is the easiest and best policy. In a perfect world, that may be so, but we do not live in a perfect world. The Board of Nursing investigates complaints against nurses much in the same way that police investigate criminal conduct allegations. The advice on remaining silent with the police also applies to any investigation by any professional licensing board. If you are asked any questions relating to any alleged misconduct, you need to speak to an attorney before answering anything. One single misconstrued answer or statement from you can be what causes you to face discipline for something that you did not even do. Unfortunately, many nurses believe that hospitals will help defend them and are insured against issues like these. This is also a misconception as nurses are expected to provide their own liability insurance to protect themselves if they face potential sanctions against their nursing licenses. In many cases, your legal defense can be paid for by a professional liability policy. 

Sj Harris Law Free Consultation

The S.J. Harris Law Office is proud to offer FREE 30-minute consultations to any nurse facing an investigation or other legal issue. We realize that nurses who are facing potential or actual criminal charges and/or potential discipline against their licenses prefer representation that values proper discretion and privacy. All discussions during any consultation with us will be fully protected by the attorney-client privilege. At S.J. Harris Law, we strive to assist you in maintaining three things: your license, your reputation, and your future. Let our experience go to work for you today. Call us at (310) 361-8585 or contact us online for a free consultation.

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When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long track record of success in these types of cases. Scott Harris and the rest of our team at S J Harris Law will be ready to help you pursue any option available that allows you to keep your license and continue working, no matter what industry you are in.


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