Understanding the Role of Licensing Boards

Whether you are already a member of a licensed profession or are preparing to apply for a license, knowing how licensing boards work and how they can impact your license is a must.

Below you’ll learn about what boards do and how they can affect your licensure.

In the U.S., licensing is a state-based system, which means that state licensing boards help state governments regulate the licensure process for any profession that requires licensure. Some of these professions include physicians, nurses, real estate agents and brokers, contractors, insurance brokers, teachers, engineers and physical therapists, among others.

Members of state boards are appointed by governors, who may be advised by the state Senate during the process. It is not uncommon for professional societies to provide governments with the names of prospective board members who have the proper experience and qualifications for the position. Board members usually serve a term of 3 to 5 years, but may be re-appointed.

In terms of the actual licensing process, state licensing boards provide oversight in a variety of ways. Visiting the licensing board’s website can be helpful to people who are getting ready to undergo the licensing process or for licensed professionals who have questions. On their websites, licensing boards often provide answers to frequently asked questions, clarify compliance standards, and disseminate other useful information to applicants, exam candidates, and licensees.

In addition, licensing boards are responsible for most every step in the licensing process. They evaluate each applicant’s education, determine whether an applicant is eligible to take the licensing examination, and review the applicant’s supervised experience. Often, licensing boards are responsible for registering continuing education providers, ensuring that practices are monitored through the use of proven programs, following current events within the profession, and suggesting regulatory amendments if they are deemed necessary. Licensing boards are also in charge of issuing licenses and registration fees to individuals and firms.

As you may know, another of the licensing board’s most important roles is hearing disciplinary cases. Disciplinary action may be required when a licensee treats a client in a substandard fashion, violates the state’s code of ethics, or violates state or federal law. If disciplinary action is deemed appropriate, the board has the power to order payments of fines and penalties, revoke licenses, and enact other disciplinary measures.

If you encounter problems with licensure due to the decisions of a licensing board or are subjected to what you feel is unfair disciplinary action, you should get in touch with a lawyer right away. If you need help, contact California professional license defense attorney Scott Harris. Click to schedule a free, 30-minute consultation or call us at 323-794-0701.

This blog is meant to be informational. It is not meant to be all-encompassing legal advice. If you are facing a situation involving your professional license, seek counsel from a licensed attorney.

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When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long track record of success in these types of cases. Scott Harris and the rest of our team at S J Harris Law will be ready to help you pursue any option available that allows you to keep your license and continue working, no matter what industry you are in.


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