Tips for Effective Communication with Your License Defense Attorney: Building a Strong Defense Team

When your professional license is on the line in California, hiring a skilled license defense attorney can make all the difference in achieving the best possible outcome for your case. However, the effectiveness of your lawyer in representing you depends in part on how well you and your attorney communicate. 

As a licensed professional, there are steps you can take to foster better communication between yourself and your license defense attorney in order to build a strong defense team.

4 Ways to Foster Good Attorney-Client Communication

When you retain a license defense attorney, employing certain strategies can help ensure your attorney has the information and access to you needed to perform their duties. Four ways to foster better communication between you and your lawyer include:

1. Set Communication Boundaries and Expectations Early

During your initial consultation, discuss communication expectations with your lawyer. You and your lawyer must decide how often you will communicate and how to reach each other in an emergency. 

The two of you should also explore what means of communication will be used on an ongoing basis. Additionally, you’ll want to agree on how quickly calls and communications should be responded to.

Setting these expectations early can prevent later frustration if your attorney does not seem to communicate as much as you would like. If you have discussed this matter early, communication can proceed much more smoothly at every step of your case.

2. Keep Your Attorney Up to Date on Your Contact Information

If your contact information changes during representation, let your attorney know right away. Your lawyer should know exactly how to reach you to provide updates on your case and request additional information. 

When your attorney has the access to you they need, they will better handle your case efficiently.

3. Return Calls and Requests Promptly

Decide from the beginning that you will promptly respond to calls or messages from your lawyer. When your license defense attorney asks for information or assistance from you, a deadline may be approaching, or your case may be stalled until you provide this information. Quick action helps keep your case on track.

4. Be Honest With Your License Defense Attorney

Keep in mind that it’s best to be candid and forthcoming with your lawyer in all regards. Your attorney cannot effectively help you if you do not share information with them freely, especially when that information is vital to your case.

Safeguard Your Future With S J Harris Law

Communicating effectively with your attorney can not only improve your overall experience but also strengthen your case. If you are in need of a skilled professional license defense attorney you can trust in Los Angeles, turn to S J Harris Law. Our team is dedicated to defending licensed professionals in California, and we can work tirelessly to protect your reputation and livelihood. Contact us to request your free consultation today

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When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long track record of success in these types of cases. Scott Harris and the rest of our team at S J Harris Law will be ready to help you pursue any option available that allows you to keep your license and continue working, no matter what industry you are in.


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