How Domestic Assault Charges Could Affect Your Professional License

Regardless of whether you are a real estate broker, a doctor, a teacher, or any other licensed professional, domestic assault charges can put your license—and your career—in jeopardy. Any criminal conviction can result in the revocation or suspension of a professional license, and depending on the circumstances of your case, a domestic assault charge could permanently end your career.

Below discusses more about the implications of a domestic assault charge and when you should contact a professional license defense lawyer for help.

When Can a License Be Revoked?

While many licensed professionals think their license is safe as long as they are not convicted of a crime, this is not always the case. If you are accused of domestic assault, your license could still be revoked even if you’re not convicted.

For example, if you make a plea deal to avoid litigation, your license could still be taken from you. If you have been accused of domestic assault, you should contact a professional license defense lawyer immediately so you can fight these serious charges.

It is important to know that licensing agencies have access to police records, and have the authority to conduct their own investigations, regardless of a criminal case. Many agencies consider assault and battery in any form to be substantially related to the licenses they regulate, as they demonstrate a public safety risk, anger management issues, lack of judgment, and are often connected to the abuse or use of alcohol or drugs in a dangerous or illegal manner.

Public Knowledge of Your Conviction

If you are convicted of domestic assault, and your license is revoked, the details of the case will typically be made public. It is common for all types of licensing boards to post-disciplinary actions against licensed professionals on their websites.

At this point, even if your license is restored, it may be too late, as your compromised reputation will likely have dire consequences for your future career. Again, working with an experienced professional license lawyer as soon as possible after a domestic assault charge is filed is in most cases, the most effective way to fight for your rights.

When to Seek Legal Help

Because domestic assault charges are incredibly serious, your first step should be to contact a professional license defense attorney. Scott J Harris has extensive experience fighting for the rights of all types of licensed professionals, including those with violent crime convictions, domestic assault allegations, and more. Consultations are free and can give you a clearer sense of your legal rights.

Contact us today for a review of your case at 310-361-8585.

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When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long track record of success in these types of cases. Scott Harris and the rest of our team at S J Harris Law will be ready to help you pursue any option available that allows you to keep your license and continue working, no matter what industry you are in.


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