Advice from a Nurse Defense Attorney: How to Protect Your License After an Arrest

A police officer placing handcuffs on you is more than an immediate restriction of your liberty if you are a nurse. It threatens your nursing license, professional reputation, and livelihood. 

If you find yourself in this unfortunate situation, follow these tips from a California nursing license defense attorney to resolve your criminal matter while safeguarding your nursing license.

Aggressively Fight Your Criminal Charges

Do not take any action to resolve your criminal case without first speaking with an experienced and knowledgeable criminal defense lawyer. 

Even if you believe you have little chance of succeeding, a criminal defense lawyer can protect your civil rights and may be able to negotiate a resolution to your charges that minimizes the risk to your nursing license.

Respond to Your Licensing Agency with a License Defense Attorney

The Board may learn of your arrest.  Because you went through the Live Scan Finger Printing program, the Board is notified of all arrests of its licensees.  Once the Board discovers the arrest, it may thereafter send you a letter requesting that you provide more information. You must respond to this request to avoid trouble with the nursing board. But you can also create issues for yourself if you respond inappropriately to the request.

How you respond to a request for information from the nursing board depends on the stage of your criminal case when the request is made. For example, how you respond to a request while your criminal case is pending should differ from how you respond if you are convicted and awaiting sentencing.

A nursing license defense attorney can help you appropriately respond to a request for information that does not unnecessarily jeopardize your license or criminal case. When you get a request for information from the nursing board, do not ignore it. Seek experienced legal counsel quickly before responding to the request.

Disclose Your Conviction to the Nursing Board

If you are found guilty of any offense resulting from your criminal case, you must disclose this to the nursing board within 30 days. This period begins when there is a sentencing of the matter, either the placement on probation, an order of fines, or a sentence of jail or prison. 

You must also disclose the conviction on your nursing license renewal forms. Failure to do so can subject you to professional discipline.

License Defense Attorney Guidance Is Invaluable

After being charged with a criminal offense, there will likely be many concerns. The California nursing defense attorney at S J Harris Law will work diligently to protect your nursing license and career from the adverse effects of a criminal charge and conviction. 

Retaining our services soon after your arrest or a request for information from the nursing board can help mitigate later issues with preserving your license. The earlier we get involved in your case, the sooner we can help resolve your matter.

Call our firm or reach out to us online and request your free 30-minute consultation with us.

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When dealing with these complex issues, you need legal representation that has a long track record of success in these types of cases. Scott Harris and the rest of our team at S J Harris Law will be ready to help you pursue any option available that allows you to keep your license and continue working, no matter what industry you are in.


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